Silicone Price Increase

Dear Customer,

As you are aware there is a global shortage of the silicon metal that is, in turn used in the manufacture of Silicone Oils and Silica. The main ingredients in the production of building silicones. This disruption is predicted to lead to major availability issues and an increase in the base cost as the industry competes with the manufacturers of cosmetics.

As I am sure you are aware we have had to limit the sale of silicone to our customers only allowing purchases of 1 box of clear neutral cure, and 1 box of white neutral cure per transaction/customer (48 tubes).

We have put these measures in place to make sure that we are still able to supply all of our loyal customers with the silicones needed to complete your projects and that we do not run out as a result of panic purchases.

Working with two major brands in Olive and Soudal we have invested in enough stock to make sure that we are able to meet demand well into Spring 2022.

Whilst we have managed to secure the inventory needed that purchase has come at a cost, and we have no choice but to pass these increases downstream.

We saw increases of 16% in October and must notify you today of a further 20% increase in line with market trends taking this increase to 36%.

We apologise for the short notice of this increase but felt it important to delay our notice to prevent panic buying at a lower price. The impact of having no stock is much more damaging than implementing these increases.

Kind regards.