Price Change notification April 2023
Dear Valued Customer,
Every aspect of life from heating our homes, filling our vehicles, or feeding our families is costing significantly more today than it was a year ago. There is little expectation that these costs are going to fall back any time soon.
As a business we are no different. At The Fascia Place Ltd we continue to incur increases in our own running costs, as well as those of all our suppliers.
During 2021 and 2022 our industry was heavily impacted by the sharp rising costs of raw materials and in support of our customers, we decided that our prices should only be increased by the same level of that received from our manufacturing and supply chain partners.
Since 2020 we have received significant uplifts in energy costs, which, as a manufacturer has impacted on our daily overheads. Staff and IT costs have inflated, and the fuel required to maintain our free local delivery service has meant that our operational expenses have increased by more than 24% since our last price increase, early 2019.
To support the seeming return of confidence in the market we are well aware of the need to work with you in keeping cost rises to a minimum, however we are no longer in the position that we can absorb all of the increased costs we are now subjected to. Continuing to invest in our services and to guarantee our customers remain the industry’s most competitive, we are writing to confirm that a small 3% uplift on our building products, windows and doors will be applied to all purchases from 3rd April 2023.
Whilst the PVC resin surcharges, dollar surcharges and shipping costs remain stable. And in some instances, have started to fall the industry is still a time a way off from achieving stability and is still being subjected to rises. These rises however are being predicted to be less frequent within 2023 and will present smaller changes compared to previous Years. This being the case we are receiving manufacturer specific increases at varying levels that we are working hard as a management team to negotiate. Some of these costs will also have to be passed on so please do check our website The Fascia Place News for the latest information in regard to these price changes.
For the latest pricing, or to obtain project specific quotations and estimates do please call our technical design and sales specialists via your local branch pressing option 1 for support.
Assuring you of our best attention.
Matt Edwards
Commercial Director